Friday, 16 September 2011

Professional Behaviour in the Creative Media Sector

Unit 4.1 - Understand the appropriate conduct for a particular Creative Media workplace -

1.1 Describe and compare the cultures of different creative media workplaces

In my workplace we do not have a 'set' dress code that we are to abide to. However despite not having this as a set of rules, I would not come in looking like a mess due to the negative connotations attached to this. If I were aware of an outside client coming to visit the workplace I would dress a lot more professional than the casual jeans.
Indigo Film and Television where I last worked were fine with wearing shorts during the hot summer months, but if meetings were taking part you were to wear trousers.
I'm yet to find out the correct dress etiquette for working on film production, but i'm sure this will be learnt soon enough.

Within my workplace the use of swear words are rarely used, and still then when one slips out you would try to keep that pretty low key. If the odd f bomb were to pop out i'm sure this wouldn't be a massive hoo ha, but i'm sure if the c*nt word did, this would be frowned upon.
In my everyday life and college I will add, I swear quite commonly and find many profanities to me aren't offensive and even use the c*nt word often enough. My mindset is that aslong as you're not using one of these words with an angry tone to a person, then they shouldn't find it offensive. I do understand why people don't agree with swearing as they are known to have negative connotations, but in this day and age these words are being said in everyday life.

1.2 Describe examples of challenging behaviours and issues in the workplace

Challenging behaviours can occur in the workplace on an everyday basis for some. Luckily for me I haven't encountered such a problem yet, but an example of when I have is when I was working at a company before 'And a had a customer complaining to me about a refund that I had given him, despite the fact I gave him one he wanted more as it was an 'inconvenience' despite the fact most of the product was nearly all consumed. I told him that I would get a manager as he was very angry, and I felt out of my comfort zone. Looking back on this situation I'm sure I could deal with this is a more effective way.

1.3 Explain the role of the key people to inform in relation to these examples

In the situation when this customer wouldn't take what I had offered him, I decided to call the duty manager who came to find an attainable solution. The manager's solution was to give the customer a further refund, despite the fact I later found out he comes in all the time to get double refunds, and I must of pissed him off by not going from previous experience.

At Indigo Film & TV I would report to the Managing Directors PA, who I could liaise with if I were having difficulties with something or had a request (having time off, leaving early etc).
I also had a line manager who sometimes I would help relieve her workload by helping input contracts into our rights software.

I would usually try to go to the Managing Director's PA first if I were having a problem, but if I felt that a solution hadn't been achieved I would take it further by talking to the MD himself.

1.4 Explain the impact of different behaviours and conduct in the workplace

In the workplace behaviours should always be kept professional, and you should never bring your home life into work. Despite sometimes having a lot on my plate at home, I always keep these emotions at bay and a smile on my face at work. I find this is important as a smile can do so much in the workplace as it's quite a contagious emotion, if you were working in a negative work environment with a low morale then I'm sure the company would suffer in it's productivity and also financially.

Sometimes swearing can be used in my workplace, but despite this it's not in a way to cause offence to people. As discussed in college, swearing can express how passionately you feel about a certain topic 'I fucking love American Beauty' - and so you should!

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